What's Happening in P.E.

Looking forward to a GREAT school year!!
I am SUPER excited about the 2024-2025 school year.  
My goal is to encourage kids to be active daily and make
healthy eating choices.
I will instill an appreciation of sports and teach good sportsmanship!!  
I am looking forward to an AHmazing year in the gym!!!  
Come and play with us anytime!!!

Things to know about Woodridge PE!!!!

At Woodridge, the kids in Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 do NOT come to PE with their class but in a 
Each letter is mixed with kids from each class on the grade level.  
This allows students to meet and interact with others from their grade level.
Your child should know their letter and refer to the SPECIALS ROTATION to know what class they will attend daily during SPECIALS!!!
Monday is always DAY 1, Tuesday DAY 2, Wednesday DAY 3, Thursday DAY 4. 
Fridays rotate.  
Sounds confusing, but the kids and teachers get it...smile!!!!

We are extremely active and ALWAYS moving in PE.
Remember, it is HOT so dress appropriately on PE days...tennis shoes are a MUST!!
Please come and play with us anytime!!!!

If you are interested in DONATING supplies to the gym, the following is our
*Laundry Baskets for storing equipment 
*Disinfecting Wipes
*Noodles, Nerf Footballs, Balls
*Tennis Shoes that your child has outgrown BUT still in good shape. 
We plan to have a "Tennis Shoe Tub" in each gym for those kiddos that forget to wear their tennis shoes can borrow for the day to play safely.

ANYTHING is greatly appreciated!!!!

The following are the PE Expectations that we will follow and enforce in the gyms this year.  
PLEASE help your child to be successful with these expectations!!!

Woodridge Physical Education Expectations

Wear tennis shoes and appropriate clothing to PE
On task and safe behavior means more PE time
Only one person in the restroom at a time, ask first
Doctor’s note to be excused for more than 3 days                    
Really listen carefully when the teacher is talking
Improve your skills with practice
Drink water ONLY at the appropriate times
Give encouragement to others to do their best
Enter and leave the gym in routine order
We also follow the "Woodridge Way" Expectations that each and every teacher have posted in their rooms.

The state has mandated the FITNESSGRAM TEST we MUST give to our students in grades 3, 4, and 5.
 Throughout the year, you might hear your child talk about the following tests we are preparing for:
Pacer Test
Shoulder Stretch
Trunk Lift
Curl Ups
Right Angle Push Ups
A written report with the results will be sent home with your child following testing.
Fitnessgram Pre-Test in September, Fitnessgram Post-Test in March

Our SPECIALS' TEAM at Woodridge work closely together and with the PTO to do the following activities throughout the school year:
~Halloween Costume Dance Party
~Turkey Trot Fun Run
~SPECIALS Holiday Sing A Long
~Rodeo Days
~Bike Rodeo
~5th Grade Variety Show
~Field Day
You will receive details on each of these FUN-FILLED events
via School Messenger and Monday Communications!!!

Once again, I am thrilled to be a part of your child’s education.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or email!!

Barbara Iverson
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